شريط الأخبار
تجديد اللجان الإدارية المتساوية الأعضاء 14 10 2024
اجتماع اللجنة البيداغوجية لقسم علوم الطبيعة و الحياة 15 10 2024
يوم تحسيسي خاص بالقرار الوزاري 1275 لكلية علوم الطبيعة و الحياة 16 10 2024
اجتماع اللجنة البيداغوجية لقسم البيولوجيا 22 10 2024
اجتماع اللجنة البيداغوجية لقسم البيئة و هندسة المحيط 29 10 2024
اليوم العلمي حول تنوع البيئات الرطبة 07 11 2024
المؤتمر الدولي الأول حول علم الحشرات الطبية والبيطرية، المخاطر الصحية والبيئية 16 12 2024

International Congress on Medical and Veterinary Entomology Health and Environmental Risks

Call for applications (University Scientific Council)

CSU_0.pngGuelma University May 8, 1945, launches a call for applications for the teachers of the assistant-master corps (A and B) with a view to renewing the scientific council of the university (CSU)

Learn more.

Notice to teachers

CSD_0.jpgIt is brought to the knowledge of the teachers who are members of the CSD "SNV" that an extraordinary meeting of the CSD will take place on Monday 7-12-2020 at 11:00 am at the SNV department.


discussion of the university orientation law.

Note to students

deliberation-800x400.jpgit is brought to the attention of all the students of the Faculty, that they can check their notes after the deliberation is deployed; and in the event of an error, they will be invited to present their appeals to the educational services of the department in question within a maximum period of 72 hours.

Good luck to our dear students

Beginning of the PEF defense (Master 2) (June session 2020)

download (1)_0.jpgThe faculty of natural and life sciences and earth and universe sciences started today monday 22/06/2020 at 9:00 am the PEF defense (Master 2) for the June 20 session. This operation was carried out according to the already established program and the health prevention measures against Covid 19 that previously posted on the website of the faculty, and concerned the department of biology and ecology and environmental engineering.

Notice to teachers (Faculty Coordination Council meeting)


Teachers who are members of the faculty's coordination council are invited to a meeting which will take place on Monday 08/06/2020 at 10.00 am in Room B1 (Faculty Library). read +

IMPORTANT (defense of memory PFE / June session) Deadline for filing (PFE): from 15 to 20/6/2020 (June session).

60f6f44b96c5ddd8944c314995c88140.jpgWe inform the supervising teachers (PFE) who plan to support their students in June session, are requested to fill in the two forms (defense authorization and jury proposal) and send them electronically to the department concerned or to the vice deanship at most late June 13, 2020.

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Call to students of the SNVSTU faculty

55b193f1c7ce8f14767786de43c4895a_0.jpgCheck out the University's E-Learning platform!

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Call to teachers of the SNVSTU faculty "Internationalization of higher education"


enseignement-international-250x167.jpgFollowing the directives of the Rector of the university on May 8, 1945, we invite you, a group of teachers from the SNVSTU faculty, who have the capacity to teach modules in English, no need to have a high level or to be an expert in English, join us to participate in the project to open a license (L3) whose teaching of the program of the third year will be done only in English

Coronavirus: SNVSTU faculty disinfects its educational and administrative areas to limit the spread of the “Covid-19” virus

IMG_20200401_103824.jpgWithin the framework of the preventive measures against the propagation of the Coronavirus and in order to continue the active fight engaged by the officials of the country against the Covid-19, the officials of the university May 8, 1945 Guelma launched an operation of disinfection of spaces and premises administrative and educational on the different campuses.

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