general Secretariat

شريط الأخبار
تجديد اللجان الإدارية المتساوية الأعضاء 14 10 2024
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The Faculty Dean is assisted in His tasks by the Secretary General. The Therefore, the general secretary of the faculty is responsible for with a broad delegation from the dean of the faculty operation and the management of ict human, financial and material. Contact: Khelaifia Med Tahar.

  • Personal Service: Contact: A.Khabeb

Coordinates all the services and resources available to the faculty.
Manages the administrative, technical service workers and teachers.

  • Budget and Accounting Service Contact: Kamel.Laguerini

Develop and Implement Food -in the operating budget of the structure.

  • General Service means: Contact: Saida.Reguam

Maintains the administrative and teaching facilities and spaces That establishment offers the structure.
Supply of products and services and maintenance of equipment and facilities
